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Council urges landlords to provide discount on rent


The Pokhara Tourism Council has urged the landlords to provide discount on rent to entrepreneurs as the tourism business has come to a standstill due to COVID-19.


The Council made this request in a press statement issued today, noting that the entrepreneurs, who have invested tens of millions of rupees in their business taking loan from banks, have reached to a condition of being displaced due to the current situation.


The statement reads, “The Council appeals to the landlords to provide at least 50 per cent discount on housing rent until the resumption of tourism activities in order to help the entrepreneurs sustain their business.”


Domestic tourism activities had started to take pace from the beginning of current fiscal year after the government relaxed the lockdown imposed from March 24, 2020. However, all the tourism activities came to a standstill again after the government imposed a prohibitory order from April 28, 2021 following the outbreak of the second variant of COVID-19.


Source: National News Agency Nepal